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What is the skin microbiome?

 Skin Microbiome 

Our skin microbiome is a complex system made up of the trillions of microscopic organisms, mostly bacteria, but also fungi, virus and mites that live on and in our skin’s various layers,

The main microbes on the skin are cutibacterium, malezzia, staphylococci, and corynebacteria.





The skin microbiome plays a major role in the functions of the skin, including hydration, barrier function, sebum control and prevention of inflammation and infections. It helps our skin with protection from pollution, allergens, pathogens, toxins, modern day stressors and maybe even UV radiation​


 Skin Microbiome


When your skin microbiome is diverse and balanced it sits above the microbiome threshold and the functions of the microbiome are all working and the skin is happy.

When it is not balanced the  functions of the microbiome are not at their best and inflammation, dehydration, barrier impairment and skin disorders jump in. 


"With our products we focus on microbiome and barrier care first , aiming to get to the healthiest skin state for that individual" 
 Michelle Miller Founder theskinbiotic

Why  does my skin microbiome matter?


Science shows that the skin microbiome controls inflammation, hydrates, exfoliates, balances sebum, stabilises the skin barrier, stops the skin drying out, and breaks down to form some of our favourite ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, cholesterol and lactic acid, all in just the right amount at just the right time.


A balanced, diverse and happy microbiome has been shown to decrease the chance of infection or imbalance on the skin and communicates with our immune system 

These infections can cause inflammation and irritation.

There is even studies looking at whether it protects us from UV.



 Your microbiome is unique for you, like your fingerprint. The microbiome knows what your skin needs and is trying to make it happen. We just need to give it the tools it needs. That why we chose prebiotic ingredients that works to build your unique skin microbiome. 

Our skincare  is a bit like eating your fresh fruit and vegetables, or a good nights sleep, it can only do you good.

Is my skin microbiome happy?


Dysbiosis is a word that describes when your skin microbiome is unbalanced and not diverse. Sitting below the microbiome threshold and where the benefits of the microbiome is not at its best. Other non-beneficial microbes have the chance to take over and inflammation, redness and irritation follows. The microbiome is a factor in skin conditions such as

  • dehydrated skin

  • sensitive and reactive skin

  • premature ageing

  • acne

  • atopic dermatitis

  • rosacea

  • oil production

  • redness


Sensitive skin may sound like not a lot to deal with but the day to day lives of those with sensitive skin is hard to understand unless you have been there.

If you use a new product,

if there is a big assignment due,

if you are stressed out

if you are tired,

a new perfume,

a new fabric,

a piece of jewellery,

all these things cause what is called a flare.....

a new patch of red, inflammed skin.

It is not nice,

it interrupts life,

and people live with it,

manageing their "terrible"

"sensitive" "reactive" skin.




 If you don't need to think about your skin apart from cosmetic reasons then your microbiome is likely pretty happy.

Your microbiome is working and protecting you, and your skin is hydrated, clear, calm and smooth without premature ageing.

This is great.

Modern lifestyle, stressors and skincare habits can still affect your microbiome so choosing decisions that support your microbiome rather than harm it is the best thing you can do for your skin going forward.



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