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What is the best skincare for sensitive skin?

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

Products for sensitive skin are saught after and valued. 70% of people claim they have sensitive skin. Sensitive skin is when you get red, itchy, patchy skin for no apparent reason or from applying products. If this is you, read on.

What if I told you the rules for treating sensitive skin had changed?

Products that support the skin microbiome is the best products for sensitive skin.

The main thing anyone with any skin condition is told is choose a cleanser that is soap free. Soap is definitely a no-no but is soap free enough and why soap free? Any actual soap tends to have a ph of about 9 and we know that is bad for the skin , its different to what the skin likes. Now we know most cleansers , preservatives and alcohols strip our microbiome. Which is our natural protection. So there is new answer for sensitive skin apart from soap free. Soap free washes have been common place on the pharmacy shelves and dermatologist notepads for years but sensitive skin stays and the roller coaster is real for those who suffer from this.

We now understand more about the affect of ph and products and it has a lot to do with our microbiome.
On our skin is trillions of microbes that consists of bacteria, fungi and other microbes. Most of these are beneficial but a small amount of them if they get the chance to overpopulate can cause skin problems. it is quite known now that most skin conditions are an unbalanced skin microbiome. The skin microbiome is becoming as important and gut health. It's time to be kind to our skin microbiome.

When our microbiome is strong, it is more resilient, it won't flare up at the slightest irritation or stress, it stays calmer for longer. And once the microbiome is stronger it can give better results that we dont even suspect. .

Prebiotics or Probiotics

One of my roles in my work is formulating skincare that has a focus on microbiome care and supporting the microbiome.

I choose to work with solely with prebiotics in our skincare range, as with prebiotics you get the benefit of prebiotics, the probiotics that it feeds and the postbiotics of the beneficial bacteria that are unique to your skin, giving the greatest result that is actually unique to you. I also chose to work with specific prebiotics that are bacteria-specific and don't affect fungi or viruses, this is super important for most skin conditions.

Probiotics in skin care do give benefits whilst they are present but do not normally adhere to the microbiome or change the microbiome of the patient involved. They are normally lysates or "killed" bacteria so their

benefits are short term more like the actives we use in skincare now .

I also chose to formulate with products that are made to be safe for skin use without preservatives, this takes careful formulating but the outcome on the skin, is a microbiome that flourishes . It is such an exciting area to be formulating in right now.

Sensitive skin now has new and innovative products that can change the flare cycle for this people.


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