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Microbiome skincare? Will it solve the skincare struggle?

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

One of the true things about skincare is it is real. The struggle.

You might get past it for a few years, a few months, but at some stage the struggle arrives.

Oily, dry, patchy, pimples, wrinkles, pigmentation, rough, saggy, dull, fine lines, the list goes on.

Often I talk to women who have done nothing for their skin for years and decades and then wish they had done more.

Then there's people who have done absolutely nothing for their skin and their skin is perfect. Or like many of us, used every product but still getting dryness, breakouts, and nothing is working?

It doesn't matter who you are or what your history is, a healthy and balanced skin microbiome, are your fast track to the healthier appearance of your skin. It is definetely the best way to improve the appearance of the health of your skin if you are suffering any inflammation, dryness, oiliness or premature ageing. How can it do all that? Well, it's actually all about balance and once that is right, the "unique you" skin problem also balances out .

So what skincare product is the best for the microbiome? Which product should I choose to repair my skin barrier?

These questions often we see in the same paragraph or in the same persons question. And rightly so, as your skin microbiome is part of your skin barrier and if it is strong and balance then your barrier will be too.

In terms of products, they are starting to pop up all over the place. And we are seeing daily biotic on our skincare.

One thing is really important to understand is that although our gut microbiome and our skin microbiome are linked and the health of one can affect the other, they are different ecosystems and it is a bit like comparing the rainforest and what it requires, with the ocean and what it requires.

When I am formulating for theskinbiotic or recommending products in community pharmacy I am only considering using biotic ingredients that are

  1. clinically tested on the microbiome outcome on the skin, and

  2. bacteria specific

Such as

Prebiotic Face Serum,for sensitive skin, Blue serum bottle with dropper
Essential Inspiration PREBIOTIC MINIMAL FACIAL OIL SERUM by theskinbiotic


What results do you get from prebiotic skincare that supports the skinmicrobiome?

The skin microbiome works with our skin to keep it well hydrated and exfoliated, it protects us from imbalances and dysbiosis that causes acne, psoriasis, rosacea and folliculitis. Protects us from overproduction of sebum, works to stop the appearance of premature ageing and has even is being researched at the moment to find out if it protects us from the sun.

How do we harm our skinmicrobiome?

Back when we didn't know our microbiome existed, the science of the time encouraged us to get rid of any bacteria that could be in our existence, soap, disinfectants and sanitisation became so desirable and necessary in everyday life. We actually simply were not aware that most of the microbes are beneficial.

Although this is very necessary , especially hand sanitisation , we perhaps dont need so many products and so many preservatives.

Many skincare products are almost 90% water shipped in plastic bottles and only a tiny percentage of ingredients inside are actually helpful for the skin. To keep such a product safe we need preservatives often more than one, chelators, ph balancers, emulsifiers, texture enhancers, silicones ( to give a nice feel of smoothness on the skin ), alcohol and fragrance.

With sensitive skin myself, I've never found creams very successful either. The change to oil and serum skincare only was a game changer for my skin. When I formulate for theskinbiotic or recommend products to my customers I always choose what we call anhydrous products that can be formulated without the need of the extras and the preservatives. It is better for our skin and the planet. This often means they are oil based but with careful formulating, luxurious products with superior actives and lightweight, dry skin feel and absorption as fast as any cream we have a product that supports the microbiome.

It is just so much easier to see results when you work with yours kin rather than against it.

So how can we find the balance between our microbiome and our current skincare routine?

If you are inflamed then dial it back.

Simple . Less products .

The products you do have , no fragrance.

Cleansing is next.

It is crucial. Gentle and oil based, so grab a balm or oil cleanse.

Write a list of the products you use and why ?

Do you need them?

Is there a microbiome friendly alternative?

Decreasing this preservative load is a step in the right direction.

Go for a skincare serum or moisturiser that is microbiome focused or friendly.

I am biased but I love an all-in-one hydrating prebiotic serum like the prebiotic serums from theskinbiotic

Chelle is Formulator at theskinbiotic.


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