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What are oil serums good for?

Often people are looking for products based on whether their skin-type is oily or dry or sensitive. Oil serums are good for all of these if they are carefully formulated with clever ingredients.

But the science on skin is changing and changing rapidly.

If you have sensitive skin stick to this sensitive search, but if you have dry or oily, you might want to rethink your skincare gaze. Both dry and oily skin need their oils replaced to repair their barrier, and both dry and oily skin need their skin microbiome nourished.

You may have noticed the trend for facial oils, even to the point that companies like Australian made theskinbiotic, don't have a cream in sight. Skincare consumers LOVE oils, and slowly people are changing over. Consumers loving the healthy glow, smoothness and general wellness they find when adding an oil into their routine.

So whats actually happening? Why does our skin love oils? Why can oily skin respond to a facial oil? Can dry and oily skin use the same product?

Our skin barrier is lipid so oil loving, it is actually designed to not let water in. (Think shower or bath problems if water could get in). When this is compromised the water in the lower layers is lost (TEWL) and our skin becomes dehydrated and shows signs of dryness. If this happens to a certain extent then our skin actually produces excess sebum to counter affect the dehydration as our body tries to heal the skin barrier, this gives us oily skin.

Replacing the oils that are naturally present in our skin such as squalane can solve this. Squalane is ultra nourishing dry oil that absorbs well and doesn't leave the skin feeling greasy at all, rather a velvety feel. At theskinbiotic we use plant derived squalane as the base of our facial oils, rebalancing both dry and oily skin. To give a moisturised, balanced and smoother skin. It is perfect for sensitive skin and those going through inflammation on their skin.

Don't oils cause breakouts? Some oils are comodegenic and can be known to cause breakouts. Ugg, we dont want that, and breakouts can happen to dry or oily skin with these oils. So not all oils are alike. We need ones that mimic our natural balance.

At theskinbiotic we don't use oils that are comodegenic. Our facial oils are carefully formulated with noncomodegenic oils, we actually use patented botanical oils that mimic the skin of a healthy 22 year old, biomimetics like squalane and lovely actives.

The skinbiome plays a massive role in repairing skin barrier and balancing skin. Find out more here

If you haven't already try a facial oil. If you are unsure where to start, Get more info


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