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What is next after Gen Alpha? The Biomials?

Should Generation Beta be changed to the Biomials?

Should Generation Beta be changed to be the Biomials?

It seems “they” have labeled the babies born in the generation decade from 2025 already the GenBeta, which of course makes sense seeing the one before is Gen Alpha . Call me biased BUT if it was me, I would call them the Gen Biome or the Biomials.

Like the Millennials, who grew up with the computers in their hands and learnt to manoeuvre and master both the good and the bad of the technological world unlike any other generation before them; the Biomials could be similar with the human microbiome.

They looked on with mockery to the previous way communication, information storage and information presentation was done with almost an air of disbelief.

Who would blame them? So much changed so fast and was adopted in every corner and industry of the globe it actually changed the way we live life. It was hard to grasp reality and the way of thinking that happened before.

The babies born in this next generation will be of the same ilk with the microbiome and its daily effect on science and health.

From gum care to baby formula, from depression to autism, from skincare to artery plaque, from alzheimers to eczema and from body odour to wrinkles. With the human microbiomes importance to every branch of science and medicine, it is like discovering a new continent on earth.

Accompanied with next generation metagenomics that allows accurate referencing, this scientific pursuit knows no bounds except financial and quite possibly just the respect that this microbiome deserves.

Diagnosis, cause and health outcome are now all pointing to the microbiome.

Does modern living and the microbiome agree?

Well, this is what the generation of babies born now in the decade of BIOMIALS will answer. Following on from the great work of many before them who haven’t had the privilege to see the outworking in society.

Probiotics, prebiotic, postbiotics are said to be the fastest growing and most innovative trend. In skin and gut health. Microbiome transplants and testing are gaining evidence.

New and better ways will emerge as new funding is given to this research into even more elaborate biomes. There is group at the moment in Harvard studying the brain and its microbiome and research around the globe as to even the possibility of microbes travelling through our nerves rather than just signals.

It is not a trend .

It is here to stay and it is the outworking of this knowledge that will change the way of thinking to the point it will be hard to remember the reality before. Only the Biomials will really understand

Lets hope it is done with the utmost respect .

Some say we can only wonder at the future, but I say educate, educate, educate and do what humans do best.


Chelle Miller

Founder of theskinbiotic.

Bachelor of Pharmacy .

Advanced Diploma is Cosmetic Science.


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